
Supermoon. Sebuah Fenomena alam yang mungkin paling ditunggu-tunggu saat ini, Supermoon. Supermoon adalah penampakan bulan purnama lebih besar dari biasanya. Fenomena ini hanya terjadi 18 tahun sekali, bulan tampak sekitar 14 persen lebih besar.

Fenomena supermoon ini merupakan fenomena di mana posisi bulan berada di jarak terdekat dengan bumi. Jarak terdekat itu diperkirakan terjadi setelah tengah malam ini, Sabtu (19/3/2011). Bulan akan berada di titik terdekatnya dnegan bumi (perigee).

Namun Fenomena supermoon ini juga akan menyebabkan air pasang yang lebih tinggi dari purnama-purnama yang biasa. Jika didukung dengan angin yang tinggi pula, air pasang akan lebih besar sehingga bisa saja meluap.

Kalau angin cukup besar, air pasang akan semakin tinggi karena akan ada gelombang. Selain itu, Supermoon ini tidak akan berdampak lain.

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You're done with me.

I pick up this book and flip through the pages.
In my mind its all memories and fascinations

I cannot believe all of what happened
I remember I felt like I had died so lonely and worn inside

Driven myself into worse health, I sought the couch all day
Didn't move, couldn't speak, throat swelled up, I couldn't eat.

Tear rolling down, slowly on my cheek
Again it was known, I admit defeat.

I still carry on with you not around, I finally gave up
When you couldn't sound

Polite as I try, soft as I am, trying to control everything I that I say
Knowing that when you came back, just a brief few conversations were all we had.

I'm so sorry that I tried so hard, to keep us from breaking apart.
I should have learned it was all wrong for you from the start.

I ruined so much with you; it puts me to a crutch
Everyday I wake up reminding me what a mess I have become

I just wish you were still with me.

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Moving on

how can i control
this feeling inside
your the only one
who has made me cry

how can you forget
the times that we've had
most were amazing times
a few of then turned out bad

how can i move on
without you right here
being right next to me
that was my worse fear

how can i change things
when its already all over
i wish i could find
some four leaf clover

how can i get better luck
when there hasn't been any
i have reasons why i love you
there happens to be many

how can i sleep at night
knowing your nothing but a friend
this is not something i expected
or wanted to happen

how can i dream of us
when there is no us anymore
the feelings are out
how come there is no open door

how can i go on
living with this regret
wondering how the future will be
you i cant seem to forget

how can i be happy
when nothing is there
i just feel like none of this
is even really fair

how can i get another chance
what will i have to do
i would do anything to get it back
making more memories with you

how can i not cry
when i care so much
if i wasn't able to walk
you would be my crutch

how can i not be upset
your with a different girl
now shes the important one
who will end up being your world

how can i not be nervous
every time you are around
you make me feel loved
your words make my heart pound

how can i not want
you back into my life
i would dream of that one day
where i would be your wife

how can i ignore the facts
yes i made a big mistake
when i broke up with you
it was all just a complete fake

how can i not miss you
when i was with you everyday
and now its just every once in awhile
and look at this now your gone away

how can i not email you
telling you how i feel
this is just something
that i can no longer deal

how can i not smile
when you come over to my house
i feel like I'm not anything
and smaller then a mouse

how can i grow up
without your help
when we are together
i can actually be myself

how can i try
when i feel like its a waste
i want to stick this together
like paper and paste

how can i breath
when there if nothing left
i wont be able to handle it
until the day of death

how can i laugh
when nothing is funny anymore
my hearts been ripped up
and thrown to the floor

how can i understand
cause obviously i don't
and you wont listen to me
or you just wont

how can i live
thinking of you all the time
you are constantly there
in my unforgettable mind

how can i act
like nothing went on
i know i was the one
who was completely wrong

how can i not grab your hand
and tell you it will okay
i don't know what else to do
or what else to say

how can i write about this
when i know it doesn't mean anything
i ask myself every night
if this was all just a fling

how can i not be with you
we went out for almost a year
all i am able to do now
is just keep on shedding tears

how can i listen to you
when your telling me there's no chance
i feel like i cant do one thing
cant even take a glance

how can i be normal
when nothing has ever been
i want to be together
i just need to know when

how can i blame
when i should be the one
to be put in the situation
are we really over with and done?

how can i let you go
when i want to hang on tight
i promise it will be better
i hope it will be alright

how can i end this
caring poem about you
just to let you know
this is all defiantly true

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Internet, temannya atau musuhnya Pendidikan?

Akhir-akhir ini kita sering mendengar berita tentang menjamurnya atau membumingnya sebuah situs kumunitas sosial yang memiliki brand Facebook. Banyak pengguna internet menggunakan situs tersebut untuk bersosialisasi dengan  teman-teman nya, termasuk pengguna internet kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa (termasuk saya). Hal ini merupakan sebuah fenomena wajar karena saat ini kita sebagai pengguna internet sangat dimanjakan dengan tarif internet yang semakin miring atau bahkan gratis (ditempat-tempat free hotspot).
Pertanyaan yang kemudian muncul adalah, apakah koneksi internet mereka hanya digunakan untuk bersosialisasi saja? Padahal, internet merupakan tempatnya atau lebih tepatnya disebut MAHA GUDANG informasi yang dapat digali, yang dalam hal ini siswa dan mahasiswa dapat menggunakan koneksi internet tersebut untuk mencari data atau informasi yang berguna bagi kelangsungan studinya.
Sebenarnya internet membuat beberapa ancaman baru bagi peserta didik diantaranya :
1.       Banyak sekali siswa-siswi sudah biasa membuang terlalu banyak waktu main games, misalnya Play Station dan Games Online.
2.    Terlalu banyak siswa-siswi juga sudah mulai menghabiskan banyak waktu di Internet di situs-situs hiburan (atau cari jodoh) seperti Facebook, Yahoo Messenger dan Friendster
3.     Lebih dari 90% bahan dan informasi yang bermutu, yang dapat meluaskan dan membuka pikiran dan kreativitas anak kita di Internet dalam bahasa Inggris. (ini terjadi karena kemampuan bahasa inggris kita kurang.)
Apakah sekarang internet hanya digunakan untuk bersenang-senang semata? Apakah internet sekarang hanya digunakan untuk chating saja?

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The title is 'Ibu'! check it out :D

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1.       Beberapa software web browser yang sering digunakan di antaranya sebagai berikut :
a.     Internet Explorer
b.     Netscape Navigator
c.     Mozilla
d.     Opera
1.       Alamat internet atau alamat sebuah web kadang disebut URL (Uniform Resource Locator) yang biasanya terdiri dari 4 bagian sebagai berikut :
a.     Nama protocol (protocol adalah aturan-aturan atau standar yang membuat komputer dapat saling berbagi informasi.
b.     Lokasi dari situs, contohnya WWW (World Wide Web)
c.     Nama organisasi yang mengatur situs
d.     Sebuah akhiran yang mengidentifikasikan jenis dari organisasi. (contohnya com. Untuk sebuah organisasi komersial)

1.       Dalam mencari informasi dapat menggunakan mesin pencari antara lain menggunakan,,, dan

1.       Internet dapat digunakan untuk mengakses situs-situs yang bermanfaat bagi proses pembelajaran seperti situs Buku Elektronik Sekoalh (BSE) dan situs Wikipedia Indonesia


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 I wanna hit bruno mars haha :D

My mom took it ;;)

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